Now DALL-E 2 is available for free to all users on Bing. The joke of the search engine domain has not stopped upgrading in the last month and now also provides the ability to save you a tab when creating images from scratch.

Microsoft does not stop, and after already integrating ChatGPT into its Bing search engine, it now embeds another tool from OpenAI in the search engine, which until a few weeks ago, no one really talked about.
A month after starting to offer access to early users from its waiting list for its updated search engine – “New Bing” (that’s what we thought about it) – Microsoft upgrades the search engine with the ability to create images using DALL-E 2, OpenAI’s image generator tool – straight from the Bing search window. The feature, Bing Image Creator, will gradually become available to users in the preview version of New Bing and will be available through its “creative” version. As part of the changes Microsoft has added to Bing’s chatbot, it created three identities for it: “balanced,” “accurate,” and “creative” – so you can know how close your answers are to the truth and how many of them are probably complete lies.

In its announcement, Microsoft cites several examples where a request to create an image directly from the chat area of New Bing yielded quite impressive results. In one of the examples, the system even generates an image based on suggestions for redecorating the living room that the search engine offered in a previous message.
This text appears to be in Hebrew, and it describes a feature for generating images using a tool called “DALL-E” that is operated by Microsoft. The feature is said to work well, and users are instructed to simply input their prompt and wait patiently for the creation process to complete, which should take a similar amount of time as it does on the DALL-E platform itself. While waiting, users will receive tips for using the product, and on the right-hand side of the screen, they will see their prompt history (which can be turned off).
Once the generation process is complete, users will be presented with four options, and clicking on any one of them will immediately enlarge the image to its maximum resolution of 1024×1024 and allow users to download and share it. In other words, the upscale is created automatically and users will not need to wait again after making their selection. Additionally, the colorful and familiar watermark of DALL-E is replaced with a monotonous Bing logo.
The text also mentions that users do not need to open an OpenAI account, and their creations will not cost them OpenAI credits, whether they have accumulated them for free or through a premium subscription. Instead, they will receive 10 free credits that will allow them to quickly generate their prompts. When these credits run out, users can continue to use the tool, but the generation time is expected to be longer.
Additionally, when tested using Microsoft’s Edge browser, the authors of the text received an additional 25 credits.
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- AI